- The SpinLord Agenda is our answer to the wish of many table tennis players for a long pimple rubber similar to the Dornenglanz, but which has somewhat softer pimples and thus is more suitable for an undercut defense.
The SpinLord Agenda is our answer to the wish of many table tennis players for a long pimple rubber similar to the Dornenglanz, but which has somewhat softer pimples and thus is more suitable for an undercut defense. In addition, Agenda's tempo is somewhat lower and the durability of the pimples is greater. Players who likes the Dornenglanz will love the Agenda. The destructive effect is the same, but the Agenda is clearly more versatile in play! The Agenda thus approaches the limits of the attainable and allowed more closely than any other previous pimple rubber. The result is a revolutionary new rubber which can significantly improve the playing strenght of a skillful long pimple player.Real progress has again been made (only) by SpinLord!